Art Work
Art Work
There are a variety of different and interacting techniques in my artworks. Painting, acrylic, oil, photo, data traffic, glass, mirrors, metals, gold etcetera.
However, many of my works are based on previously made paintings of mine and other types of works.
You could technically describe them as maximalist art where I cannibalize myself, that is, my own old works of art are used to produce new works of art. As such you can see some paintings evolving into different pieces of art work in different times.
For that reason, I am enrolled in a variety of technical and art historical traditions. My artworks can therefore be said to belong to a Jewish and or cosmopolitan art tradition.
I have purposely left my work untitled to prevent or influence the viewers and instead allow them to make their own interpretations and thus broaden their horizons of their initial perception.
Alfredo Castro